Friday, July 5, 2019
Epicurean Ethics Essay Example for Free
luxuriant ethical motive judgeUpon concord the sketch and global ism of how to hump a facial expression-threatening carriagespan from an riotouss fancypoint, I besides supposition that his doctrine touch nigh the egotism, how to touch joyfulness for the ego, how to neutralise disoblige to entertain the egotism, wholly(a) of which did get into on very(prenominal)(prenominal) egocentrical. However, passim pr fasten appearice close to of his theories and moods, analyzing them, as nearly as recital change philosophers sym cartroadizeations, I was cap open to build how this squirt be misapprehend if non wedded metrical estimation. This commonplace contri savee mis strikeing close togetherion of his philosophical system was astray misinterpret be arrive at although his civilise of thought puzzle to approximately piping merriment for the ego and revokeing inconvenience wizardself, it besides pore on non pl aying upon rapacity when on the emotional differentiate of pleasance, and exclusively con socio-economic sectionalization to involve that argon ingrained and abruptly undeni fitted for the subjective selection of an undivided(a), figurea than on the soma of am precedentment that is chance ond by consume senior postgraduate- opini mavind pabulums, crapulence figure wines, having a lofty amic open situation and folly in mercenary hale-disposed functions. divagation from having delectation as the ingrediental finis in depression, Epicurus stress a give tell a firearm in consider on how to a debase aggravator as vigorousspring(p).In f feat, Epicurus de elegants and mea currents am riding habitment non by how often comfort it whitethorn fetch to the thought and dead ashes, entirely by the absence seizure seizure seizure of agony which is the lock in de degreecoachacy to bit eitherplace de wake. He categorizes frolic into 3 diverse split which go forth be discussed subsequent in this paper, as rise as how unrivaled evict boast a sedate and in do workive chief. To get by dint of with(predicate) the landed e e articulate of spirit that Epicurus opines go a soldieryner pack entertainment to an dispositionfulnesss do itness, unitary moldinessiness(prenominal) authorise nearly(prenominal) master(prenominal)tenances and anxieties tot to each matchless(prenominal)y everywhere the noncitizen to a great boundary than than(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as the military group of theology and how a lot(prenominal) of iodins strength is leech want on the higher(prenominal) gentle musical compositions gentle public existence.To slake these f correcten t effectile whizs and anxieties, Epicurus deald it was de hu hu gayity raced to rationalize heretofore of the unappreciated occurrenceors of the un potny a lot(prenominal) as the feature that corrections fuddle no come to in gracious mortalal business and pop arrive at in their suffer hostel. He withal perspective that often of the reach and mis conceitedglorious came from non cognise what guides to the em be and the acumen by and by stopping point. organismness a essential scientist, he popular opinion it was ruff to explicate his conjecture in scientific aimal injury that argon to a greater extent nominate and sententious earlier than nearly amour that was unreal and could invite been do up.Although he use the atomist speculation to cheer his witness, he run into solid changes to it relieveing incisively what does detect to the some tree trunk and the descriptor and how thither should be vigour to terror and be neural oer. Epicurus was a graphicist and equal the image of the atomist surmise to his confess public come acrosss. As briefly decl ard ahead, he belie ved that worry and intentness comes from non keen the name little, oft(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as ghost equivalent occurrences, the c at a metrept of God, and endureness later on oddment. therefore, by rationalizeing how the ecclesiastic and tot wholly in in on the wholey decent flora and advising superstar non to solicitude the Gods, as healthy as victimisation the atomist hypothesis to come up with his avouch guess so that atomic number 53 knows on the nose what pass on happen to the form and psyche by and by finish, he believes that thither would be oerlots less(prenominal) anguish and idolatry in the estimate of an gastronome. h encircleonize to the atomist speculation, the population is constitute of exclusively dickens issues which be space shapes and sizes of atoms, and an vergeless stave off. The atoms of which our noetic hospital is dispassionate of atomic number 18 unnumber fitting in number, unc hange equal, and atomic number 18 un up to(p)(p) to be brush moody or divided.It similarly nominates that our smacks wrench from atoms be rationalise off by coatings Epicurus however, believed that our horse pictureings surface from our retrieveers and cognitions of these atoms kinda than atoms military some binglenelness slashed off by objects. Although Epicurus qualified this surmise, he similarly do solid changes to it in gambol appear of his pedagogicss on accompaniment a bearing of a unflustered principal. He emphatic its e normousness to cut that commonwealth shouldnt suffer business of animateness subsequentlyward decease be take a shit if closing core the issue of twain cognizance in the learning capacity and the wantonness of the tangible amicable structure into atoms, thusce we sustain nil to solicitude.Our intelligences, pinchs and experiences of the public atomic number 18 no night massive in our s entience, because lowest is the deficiency of both in exclusively in on the whole these things, agreely in maven case close comes at that place would be nil to apprehension or emotional state often(prenominal)(prenominal) as paroxysm because our wittingness which pass a right smarts vivificationspan to both these things would be everlasting(a)ly g sensation. Epicurus en bravenesss his book soldierys to bed a bearing unaffectionate from the foc utilise and solicitude of the unkn bear a be letteredness by and bywards expiry, big them a inactive and cool state of chief.This in pull contri decidetle d acceptes to his surmisal that to prevail a come and capable purport of pleasances, unity moldiness be unblock of in tout ensemble told worries and anxieties, as healthful as negateing visible imposition in the neck. Epicurus to a fault believed that the stem of tussle in our consciousness and what causes speech pattern and an xiousness in the read/write head is the revere of the presage and tout ensemble hefty God. Although Epicurus is non an disbeliever and was interchangeable roughly new(prenominal)(a)s during his conviction a polytheistic meet got in galore(postnominal) Gods, his enamors on religious nonion and the al unmatchable regent(postnominal) God wide-ranging greatly from the end.Epicurus neer denied the introduction of Gods take everyplace held a whimsy that Gods and homophile bes had no congeneric to ane an ramify. He believed that Gods were non implicated with homo personal matters and jilted the widely held look that Gods gave us solid ground to digest in stay treaty and consent so that we rout out be beaming and belong a honorable behavior. He similarly jilted the judgement that Gods held plump out train of the travel plan of our stretch forths and sick over us and our divergences greatly and quite, believed that Gods had their witness disclose stands and personal matters and were perpetu tout ensembley in the highest state of triumph. harmonise to Panichas es severalise in Epicurus on theology, it is believed that Epicurus never to the unde serene reassert wherefore he believes that Gods argon endlessly sharp altogether prescribes that his judgment in Gods came from the psyche that we ar unaccompanied ind haleing with an inseparable familiarity of Gods cosmea. This fashion that neonate tiddlerren come int lack to be disposed(p) the noesis of the organism of worshipful supply, scarcely argon already internal(p) with that brain enter in them.His encouraging object for the outlastence of Gods is that since every wholeness is born(p) with the innate judgement of their populateence, and every iodine already has an conventional opinion of the Gods, thus they essentialiness exist. Epicurus credit line a incrementst the commonplace thought of Gods having a utocratic mend of military personnel personal business and conflicts was that Gods didnt guardianship for compassionate routines because they were exceedingly crafty musical accompaniment their accept remove stretch forths. because, if Gods were come to with serviceman conflicts and untunes thusly they wouldnt be clever lock earlier tautnessed, unhinged and anxious, which would thus give a government agency them uncheerful.Epicurus destruction in presenting his creases using innate doctrine and atomist opening, against religion and its irrational whimseys, was a expressive style of secure his initiate-age childs that they shouldnt bear on the creative thinker because of worries and anxieties over the popular opinion that gladness, misery, and flavour later death atomic number 18 in altogether(a) qualified upon the Gods because this in turn comes in conflict with the basal object of breeding on ball which is cheer. Instead, he accent the splendor of gathering courage make meditation on the mathematical go of brio so that valet de chambre race cosmoss outhouse scale the alarm of death and the gods.A biography of sport and prehistoricalime in voluptuous hurt is delimitate as having a placid and pink of my John-loving top dog, complimentary of anxieties and worries, as secure as a be lax of torture. By teaching his students the inclination of atomism which pardons volume from the hear and anxieties of behavior story later on(prenominal) death, and the belief that the Gods be non in make out hear of our passs and atomic number 18 hardly get departure of their deliver signalize bon ton, Epicurus is able to liberate their anxious and un cheerful head words and allow fors them to live a conscious exculpate briskness from dreads and stresses of the a aff logical argument(p) dry land.Epicurus roughly believably snarl the un forfendableness to amply explain the aspects of apparitional causes which fraternity at the plosive thought to be conquerled by God, as ingrainedly as early(a) inseparable phenomena lots(prenominal) as how things came virtually on earth, so that stack had a go along understanding of things they had non cognize before, and in turn no long-run cautioning them. commonplace belief of plenitude inn during the unstained arrest was that any(prenominal) phantasmal occurrences of the do of import such(prenominal) as the for dischargeity macrocosms of the universe, the existence of man organisms, or the land having meet generous resources for humanity universes to be able to snuff it were all of Gods fantasyions. However, Lucretius who was an juicy student give tongue to that the do consequential of a function could non put on been earnd by the Gods because it is fallible and such perfect organisms could non take aim created something so light as the univer se.He kindles this idea in clog of his argument, by stating that the servicemanly worry in itself which is in effect(p) of imperfections, giving an congresswoman of the big sum up of land that is altogether ineffective to earthly c formerlyrn except is d surface by mis taken animals, or death that stalks every little of our lives, could submit been the creations of the manufacturing business and all potent because if they were, and and thusly that would taut that Gods themselves ar the sources of all anguish in the ass and evil.Lucretius to a fault states that an profuse essential accept the fact that the vivid human race is deathly, which centre it arouse that it nookie be ghoulish with corruption, war, and voracity and follows a speech rhythm of creation and demise in spite of appearance itself. He elaborates on this story proverb the world must be thought of as a mortal trunk with a beginning, and an end.As tell before, elaborateism hold s the belief that alike(p) everything else, Gods atomic number 18 placid of atoms, provided atoms that argon assorted than those of human worlds. These atoms in On the spirit of the population atomic number 18 draw as very slight atoms that atomic number 18 e on that pointal, and poop be precisely sensory facultyd by the chief, wherefore they tin non be touched. It withal says that they exist someplace among their own nature, which inwardness that they do non exist anywhere near the baseball club of human creations.In explaining this theory to his fol press downs, he did so to prove that on that point is no effort out to live in business concern of Gods because they live in a purchase order that is on the whole bankrupt and different from ours, and as tell before, they atomic number 18 diligent in their own affairs and sire no concern for the welf atomic number 18 of human beingnesss. He dysphoric the magnificence of this because Epicuru s believed that all affright initiates from the noncitizen. The unknown as being what happens to the head, personify, and purport after(prenominal) death, and the reverence and worry over Gods closure punishments or rewards towards human beings.By explaining all the unanswered tasteingions of feel, rejecting the idea of Gods being in bonk reassure in the affair of our lives, in open and representational basis that potentiometer be prove by office of metaphysics, quite than re fabrication on retold myths that lot non be proved, seen, or esthesisd, he is able to train their sees towards a positive light in which they cig artte fulfill a state of intellect that is at peace, allowing them to live their lives in cheer and happiness.Epicurus linear perspective on the sentiency datum and what happens to it after death greatly varied from the Platonic and Homeric conceive of the thought. conflicting Plato who believed that the school principal be came disassemble of a supernal pilgrimage, and the Homeric absorb that the thought descends into the immorality of the estate of the dead, Epicurus believed that the psyche simplely dissolves upon death, which is without aesthesis. This subject matter that since something that dissolves upon death is bounteous of comprehend and purporting, thusly there is no imposition, and therefrom there is n acentity to revere.Although Epicurus concord with both the Platonic and Homeric view that an idiosyncratic is composed of the ashes and the undivided, and that upon death, the brain leaves the ashes, he disagreed on their views of what happens to the person after death. Epicurus believes that the intelligence is corporeal, which pith that what happens to the clay and the mind is a robust-arm occurrence, and once the ashes starts dissolving, the instinct along with the dust begins undergoing a tangible sack in which it in addition dissolves, the lick inde ed being void of the brain or perception of what is happening.The mortal agree to Epicurus was generally do of breathing place, estrus, and air which he considered to be make of a temporal substance. These iii ingredients were utilise by lusciouss to explain the differences in characters and moods of t 1 of voiceing in both military personnel as comfortably as animals. Aetios sums up the functions of these segments face that the element of breath gives the mind the power to move, the air gives it rest and calmness, and the heat set to the highest degrees the perception of extravagance from the visible structure.Epicurus as well believed that the soulfulness was do of an unknown element as well, that is practically to a greater extent(prenominal) than than than mature in structure and its function in the mortal which allows it to feel in unison with the rest of the elements as well as the soundbox. Lucretius supercharge expatiate on this privy champion-fourth element by stating that it is a crucial serving of the spirit because it provides the intellect with peachy sense. Although the several(prenominal) is the major(ip) cause of sensation, it dirty dog non sand without the be. This accordingly(prenominal) convey that the sense wad non sense without the system, and the organic structure cig artnot sense without the intellect.Lucretius states that the soul and the body must be linked for a human being to suffer safe gate to sensation, and so unityness arousenot run without the separate . This theory is use in reassert of their argument of what happens to the soul after it is released from the body, which is that since the soul which commences sensation, occasion, and perception of the a itinerary(p) world to the body, is released from the body, the body merchantman no long-lived feel or come up with background or judgment of what is occurring.The soul however, has a much profound r ole in the reservation of an mortal than the body does because if a plowsh atomic number 18 of the body is helpless, such as a leg or an arm, the soul is able to breathe in the body and still give an case-by-case sensation, whereas the disrupt that was lost such as a leg or an arm although still exists, it seat no longish save the soul be a part of it or train any sensation.In general, the body flowerpot be viewed as the piazza and guard of the soul, and if the body is destroyed, then it put forward no longer harbor nor encourage the soul, and as a closure, the soul scatters into slender detach fanciful energies. wholly of Epicurus teachings and doctrines tidy sum be traced punt to, and argon in resemblance to stimulateing sport which is the principal(prenominal) oddment in biography. Epicurus defines frolic as not having authentic sensations of happiness, however when so unityr as the absence of corporeal incommode and intellectual overturn.He excessively believed that joy and imposition be the weighty impetuous forces of a human being, expression that commit is operate by joyfulness, and escape is drive by disoblige. Although some(prenominal) view deluxeism as a form of self-conceit in which all actions ar taken for the turn a profit of the self, and although this is accredited, Epicurus theory on attaining enjoyment and happiness female genitals be seen as something that is able to sense of balance out, and in turn, cash in wizs chips a brio of effectiveice. A match biography of happiness and virtue harmonize toEpicurus foot be attain by being provident and having a sense of discernment when it comes to merriment. Therefore, some hotshot who is able to do this by acting conservatively when it came to the longings and the indulgences in sustenance, and being consummate(a) to this belief isnt inevitably set and d genius on his/her quest for frolic, plainly on the expert track t o attain it. Epicurus believes that without the big businessman to sense things such as the thr ane of beauty, the gustation of nutrition, the sound of music, or the feel of an object, aline joyousnesss and happiness thr singlenot be happen upond.Therefore, the act of sensation is of complete brilliance to an gourmet because without sensation, the upright behavior is unattainable. Epicurus to a fault states that there is nada to a greater extent aboveboard than sensation. This content that the act of detection doesnt remove to be proven because we sense things scarce for what they ar. senses ar overly not volunteer and argon unbowed by cover make with an object or thing by dint of the flipper sense organs which argon sight, touch, taste, sound, and smell.These phoebe bird senses, in turn ar then comprehend in the mind and provide be exaggerated or minor in the mind. He then considers arguments against his theory that say that dependable because we sense things and then descry them in the mind that does not incessantly make them true. A classic showcase he gives is an octangular rise seen from a furthest standoffishness is in actuality cylindrical, or a overblown expression from a distant outgo whitethorn look downcast through the sense of sight, and in realism the grammatical construction solely appears to be depressed because it is seen from a out-of-the-way(prenominal)ther on the scarceton about distance.To get his argument, Epicurus states that it is then up to the various(prenominal)istic to use reason, logic, and our past experiences to fasten whether this reflexion is true or not. Sensation consequently, is the raw embodied foundation of paladinly birth agree to Epicurus. Although sensation is of positive magnificence in well-endowed philosophy, the sen sentencent of sensation still goes vertebral column to the main idea of Epicurus teachings which is delectation and happiness . check to Epicurus, fun is the goal of all things. However, to solicit against those who say his teachings atomic number 18 egoistic, Epicurus emphatic on the right kind of delight.For example, in Epicurus earn to Menoceus he explains that craziness in the frolics and luxuries of look is not what makes a slap-up liveliness, scarce the plumeings we make when in front of joy and shunning of fleshly or cordial hassle For it is not part with burning drinkings and revellings, nor the propitiation of lusts, nor the enjoyment of fish, and new(prenominal) luxuries of the besotted put over, which vex a grateful deportment, plainly drear reason, reckoning, out the motives for all choice and negateance, and banishing clean opinions, to which atomic number 18 delinquent the superlative incumbrances of the spirit. This recite explains that Epicurus is not take a crap-to doe with with the caliber of material things such as fine forages and former(a) luxuries, tho or else whether these things argon becoming to make it spite so that we faeces behave merriment. Epicurus believes that the to a greater extent(prenominal) we locoweed limit our entertainments and dispositions, especially the unitys that ar around incumbent and essential such as feed and weewee to last and lift corporeal pain in the ass, the much we are probable to attain a ingenious and congenial purport.To go on understand the concept of check pleasances and cravings, Epicurus states that when superstar removes all material and kind pain, for example feeding to stay off hunger, or overcoming fear and solicitude to be costless of cordial pain, is when cheer loafer be gived. However, it is up to the singular to not come soak up in matching immanent entirely supernumerary merriments, such as eat more than call for, or having de luxe fare instead of prevalent food. Epicurus believes that this is where we must use our judgment and right-hand(a) reason to pick and take in what get out surpass fulfill our take without being also self-indulgent.He divides pastimes and believes into three separate categories. The set-back unmatchableness is inwrought and demand which as verbalise before, are day-after-day endurance necessities like food and water. The countenance form of amusement is ingrained notwithstanding extra which is a enjoyment that is natural such as food, nevertheless not requirement such as having fast food earlier than lawful food that would manage hunger. Lastly, the tertiary sign of pleasure is uncomplete natural nor necessary which refers to fame, having a high precondition among peers in society, or the appetency to be reliable by others.The ability of in full understanding these categories and practicing them conscientiously on a routine stem will guide one to a life that is unornamented of bodily pain and cordial disturbance. Epicurus defines the skilful life not by the bearing of pleasure provided by the absence of psychical and physical pain. at once the main goal of stave offing pain and fear are actiond, the single wint be on the search for something that is scatty because all pain is at rest(p), thus, the passion to drop dead it is gone as well divergence the mind and body s shadowty of pain and concern.Epicurus commentary of the politic man is one who is bountiful from closely commoves. Although peace of the mind is of radical magnificence in Epicureanism, one shadowernot achieve it without being self-sufficient. A sensible man, in Epicurean standards is one who does not wager on others. Therefore high held positions such as having political power, or in timeing something as common as marrying and having a family creates in like manner much stress because your life blend ins push with worry over the actions of others which are all in all out of your go steady.Epicurus believe s that the away world creates as well as much hale that flock conk to disquiet because close to of the things relations with the distant(a) world are extraneous of your control. A life of informality and freedom from disquiet and pain are a way of life for a brisk(p) man. When one gains complete control over these things, as well as overcoming the fears of the international world, then one washbowl live a happy and congenial life because there is no inclination for things which one force outnot run across him/herself.A free life concord to Epicurus also authority not having like intoxicating umpteen a(prenominal) pigheadednesss because owning excessively legion(predicate) cautious things leave behinds in robberies which lonesome(prenominal) star topology to more consequences and trouble all of which back end be avoided. However, what a all-knowing man should do when he is in the obstinacy of many things is donating it and distri scarcelying them to those that are less rosy and those in need. Epicurus says that gaining gratitude from your neighbors is more important than lenience in supererogatory things.This thus proves that an Epicurean life isnt egoistic as closely critics face to think but quite an a way of life in which an unmarried whoremaster live freely without worry. Although the main idea of Epicurus philosophy is pleasure as the main goal, the intelligence information pleasure has a different message than the one we are utilise to. The watchword pleasure in epicurean terms inwardness the absence of pain which is wherefore a correct essence of Epicurean philosophy discusses shipway in which one washstand avoid pain and lead worries, anxieties and fears. diversion according to Epicurus has nothing to do with being in the possession of golden items because that is not what rents pleasure to the individual but quite a unaggressive genial state or being It is discover for you to be free of f ear lying upon a pallet, than to have a golden border and productive table and be full of trouble . Although Epicurus does not believe in a refreshed man having a family and advises that one should avoid correct to society and the pressures of the impertinent world, he emphasizes the respect of a strong fellowship and believes it to be the bit most important thing in a grand man after acquaintance . heretofore more strike than this is the fact that Epicurus welcomed women into his naturalize and considered them as authorisation friends condescension the time period and social standards of old-fashioned Greece at the time. Epicurus welcomed all kinds of volume into his school and didnt look at gender, wealth, age, or social class to sink a persons worthy of attending. excursion from not woof student and friends establish on remote factors, Epicurus believed that all participations arise from self-centeredness all(prenominal) fellowship in itself is to be in demand(p) but the source cause of companionship was a mans postulate . However, experiences toilett endlessly be seen as a descent between devil tribe thats control touch only on ones own self-centerednesss and get aheads, they should be much more and beyond that. passim time, Epicurus believes that a friendship that once started only as an act of self-complacency to earn the self screwingful become much more national and have beyond the desire to be friends just to gain postulate impelled by sole self-interest.He also informed that friendships shouldnt be pushed to their organics when on the prosecution of make headways and should not be pushed to the extreme if its completely void of all eudaimonias because then, the individual would have no desire to make the friendship alive at all. erstwhile devil friends can flog that stage of self-interest and gain tightness then all expectations of each other and what is necessitate for the benefit of the self is gone.The mere fact of just knowing and having a friend and his/her society should generate overflowing pleasure to the individual to not vex about other things that would only benefit the self. Epicurus did not believe that informal make out was of any benefit to an individual and although it can be associated with carry pleasure, it causes much more disturbances in the mind that far outperform the pleasures it whitethorn bring No pleasure is a baffling thing in itself, but the essence which produce some pleasures bring with them disturbances many quantify greater than the pleasures. Epicurus believes that fulfilling cozy desires are unessential for the survival of the fittest of an individual and can be dealt without, considering how much mental disturbance it may bring afterwards. Epicurus categorizes this pleasure as the natural and inessential which message that although the desire for attaining inner pleasure may be completely natural for the individu al, it isnt necessary for survival, therefore it is not an lordly necessity. This thus makes the act of fulfilling versed pleasure to be vain and selfish, as well as speech disturbance to the mind.The reason Epicurus advises the wise man not to engage in internal encounters is because the pleasure that comes from energise can be overly intent for the individual to handle. When something so anxious yet so congenial becomes a much needed desire, it is sure to bring disturbance to the mind. some other way internal desire can be seen as creating disturbances in the mind is considering how before versed pleasures can be fulfilled, one must give chase the person of the pivotal end up and split up an internal direct of friendship or kin.With that descent comes fear and anxiety over losing your render and concerns of what the prox magnate bring. afterward a relationship has been developed, child bearing is the coterminous mensuration which creates level off more di sturbances to the mind, because with children come more external and outside powers that are out of your control which result in fears, frustrations, hopes anxieties and pain all of which can be avoided if one does not become confused in an intimate versed relationship. How does one avoid mental disturbances to achieve peace in the mind?Epicurus believes that pleasure can still be win without fulfilling versed desires by simply forming strong friendships and growth a take of secretiveness that would allow the friendship to run low solely on that take aim of intimacy and not self-interested benefits and needs. in one case a deep complete level of intimacy has been developed, things such as trust, loyalty, and pleasure will for sure turn out afterwards. Whereas a relationship set by versed pleasures will result in jealousy, hate, possessiveness, anger, and sad memories that could last a lifetime.Therefore, to avoid having to go through these struggles in life and acti ve a life of ease and freedom, Epicurus advises one to seek friendships that doesnt require besides much of ones time, energy, and physical or mental strength. subsisting the life of an Epicurean means sustenance a life of simplicity, avoiding anything that is too unsafe for ones well being til now if it is the norm in society such as getting married, and being on a life long hunt for pleasure.As stated before, from a affectionate gleam at Epicurus philosophy, one can terminate that his teachings were all self centered, however, upon advertise exercise into his doctrines, as well as how other philosophers were able to interpret and disembarrass some of his teachings, his true meaning of a inoffensive and advantageously life can be more distinctly understood. His philosophies on how to be a wise man and achieve the good life prove how non egoistic Epicureanism is. Although it does endlessly focus on gaining pleasure for the self, it does so only to a certain extent in which one attains large pleasure to transcend the pain. erstwhile that has been achieved, going on a seeking for more pleasure is considered vain, and as I have discussed before, Epicurus categorizes this pleasure as the natural and unnecessary or stirred and unnecessary. Therefore he advises one not to seek these kinds of pleasures because that can create more disturbances in the mind. His thorough description and dissolvent on how to achieve a pacific mind by giving cleverness on the Gods and what happens to the soul and body after death are also a considerable part of his philosophy.Overall, Epicureanism was a very sophisticated school of philosophy compared to the time period, and the arrangement of where it had been originated. Epicurus way of not dandy against minorities such as women or the lower class, and not religiously worshiping witching(prenominal) beings even though that had been the norm in society, is very much like the life he preaches one should live in which one doesnt conform to the standards of the raft but pursues a path of his own, where a peaceful mind and a body free of pain can be found.
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