
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Organizational Behavior Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organizational Behavior - Case read ExampleUltimately, the case field which will be presented herein revolves around the troth experience of I, the statistics that this employment was able to generate, and the levels of interaction between the following 3 shareholders my coworkers, Mr. Majed, and I. shareholder 1 The Author As such, these iii shareholders all integrated together under the umbrella of the firm in question however, the job responsibilities and levels of magnate that each of these represent was distinct. Due to the fact that I was new to the employment process, the level of decision make abilities and overall power over the management process was necessarily limited. However, regardless of the lack of experience, I was tasked with flavour of service improvement and set about categorizing some of the main functional areas in which the firm could school a competitive improvement with relation to how it understood, appreciated, and dealt with its customers. The u ltimate levels of interaction that took lay out with regards to the other two shareholders were primarily concentric upon seek to implement and understand the means by which consumer needs could be furthered within this context. shareholder 2 Fellow Coworkers The secondary group of shareholders was of course the other individuals that were working in the firm at the same time that I was seeking to integrate with them. ... own departments and individualized initiatives, they were on the whole quite uninterested in seeking to maximize profitability with regards to the given task that I had engaged with. Shareholder 3 Mr. Majed Finally, the third shareholder that is represented within the case study is that of Mr. Majed. As such, he represented the rather intractable and stoic representation of the manager that did not appreciate any type of quarrel to authority. In this way he was of course the motivating factor in encouraging the situation into a position that resulted in my ult imate removal from the task that my original manager had placed me over. The interaction that took place was necessarily confined to I and Mr. Majed with the other employees only playing a fleeting role in the situation due to their general lack of interest in the process or in seeking to change the existing participatings that existed within the firm. Summary of Incidence After a small study in the main branch, it was found that here were 350 to 450 customers visitors per day. Just, 250 to 300 of them were provided with the service. As result, the firm was losing between 50 to 150 possible customers each and every day. After a discussion of the observations with management, it was recommended that six employees would be hired to assist me in completing the task. What this affected was a type of interaction between my employees and the salesmen. However, trio weeks later, my colleagues had a new boss who was of course Mr. Majed. This only occurred after my original manager had gon e on vacation and proved to be a turning point with regards to how the entire situation unfolded. Soon thereafter, the dynamic which has been described imploded as Mr. Majed had no desire for either I or my former employees to do

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